Welcome to the home page for the Senior Class of 2024. Throughout the next few months, we will be sharing and posting essential information for Senior students and families as we move closer to Graduation on May 26. This page will serve as your most important resource for important events, dates and deadlines.
Updates and details will be posted here. Each time the site is updated, we will notify Senior Families via email. GRADUATION FAQOur Graduation Ceremony is on May 26, 2024. Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions for students and parents.
SENIOR CHECKOUT FORMSenior Checkout is a mandatory process for all Seniors. There are items you can check-off now and some that require you to do so on May 20 and 21. Print the form so you can review and be prepared.
Senior Sunset is a FREE event at the Stadium on Friday, May 17 starting at 7pm. This event is sponsored by the Senior Class Student Council. Bring a blanket, yearbooks to sign. Snacks and ice cream will be served!
SENIOR BRUNCHThe Senior Brunch is on Wednesday, May 22 at the Matrix starting at 10am. Tickets can be purchased from May 13-May 17 in Pushcoin. Search: Neuqua Valley Senior Brunch
At the end of their high school experience, we ask all Seniors to take a moment of gratitude and thank a staff member. Students can access a form here and we will share their note with the staff member as a part of Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10. Students can do more than one!
Complete the Senior Year End Activity and Record College Decision in SchooLinks
Your GOOGLE and IPSD Accounts
Graduating Seniors have access to their IPSD Google accounts through the end of June. To save and take with you the files on your Drive, please follow these directions. |
Wednesday, March 20 Indian Prairie Scholars Induction Saturday, April 20 PTSA Senior Spectacular Senior Spectacular is a parent volunteer event. Wednesday and Thursday, May 1 and 2 Cap & Gown Distribution Lunch Hours - Commons Saturday, May 11 Senior Prom: The Matrix Prom Tickets go on sale through Pushcoin April 22 and stop May 3. No tickets will be sold after May 3 as we submit our final numbers to our venue on this date. All financial obligations must be met no later than Friday, May 17 Friday, May 17 Senior Sunset 7:00-8:30pm at the Stadium May 20-21 Final Assessments for Seniors Monday, May 20 Senior Checkout Process begins Tuesday, May 21 Last Day of Class for Seniors Wednesday, May 22 Senior Brunch: The Matrix Tickets on Sale May 13-17 in Pushcoin Wednesday, May 22 Senior Honors Awards: 7:00pm Thursday, May 23 Mandatory Graduation Practice 9am-12pm - MAIN GYM Thursday, May 23 Senior Reflection Ceremony 7:00pm Sunday, May 26 Commencement at NIU 1:30pm (Graduates report by 12:30pm) |
Media Communication students from Neuqua Valley High School will be videotaping this year's Graduation & Senior Reflection ceremonies as a fundraiser for Neuqua Media. You may purchase a flash drive of one of the ceremonies (or both) between now and Tuesday, May 28th. The videos of the ceremonies on the flash drives make a great gift for those family members who are unable to attend the ceremonies, or for those who would like to remember the day for years to come.
Flash Drives are $25 each or you can purchase a copy of both ceremonies for $45 (savings of $5). To place your order on PushCoin, please visit THIS LINK. The last day to place an order is Tuesday, May 28th - NO orders will be accepted after that date. All Flash Drives will be mailed out no later than the week of June 3rd.
Flash Drives are $25 each or you can purchase a copy of both ceremonies for $45 (savings of $5). To place your order on PushCoin, please visit THIS LINK. The last day to place an order is Tuesday, May 28th - NO orders will be accepted after that date. All Flash Drives will be mailed out no later than the week of June 3rd.